Getting a little something in the post has taken on an extra significance for many people at this time. Yes, so many of us have e-mail, but there’s always something special about receiving something physical from a loved-one.
Public Health England has advised that people receiving letters and parcels in the post are not at risk of contracting COVID-19. From experience with other coronaviruses, we know that these types of viruses don’t survive long on objects. This complements the highly publicised guidance from Public Health England for people to wash their hands more often than usual using soap and hot water. See for all official guidance.
So as always you can order any of my readymade items, crochet kits and printed patterns as gifts for any or no occasion, to be delivered directly to a different address.
However, it occurred to me that there are times when it’s important for you to add your own words in your own handwriting. My greetings cards, for example – you want to receive them yourself, write your own message and then post them on to the recipient.
But in the current circumstances, wanting to avoid visiting a shop or Post Office to purchase stamps, you may not have the means to post the card on to the recipient. So I’ve added the option to all my greetings cards to include a First Class ‘Large’ Stamp with your greetings card, so you can post it on to the recipient in a post box, without having to go into a shop or interact with anyone.

All my 100% recycled greetings cards with brooches and crochet motifs come with a sturdy box envelope for onward posting to the recipient. Just address the envelope, stick on the stamp included and pop it in your nearest (or most isolated) post box.
I can’t add this option to my Etsy shop (I can only add two options per listing, and they are already taken up with the greeting and colour options), but I have added it to all my greetings cards in the Little Conkers shop, and of course you can always e-mail me to order a card.
Did you know your supermarket may also allow you to buy stamps as part of a grocery delivery, and you can also buy postage online at Royal Mail (you don’t have to be a business, individuals can do it too)?
Here are just some of my greetings cards with brooches:
If you’d like the to include a stamp along with your card, just choose the option at checkout.
This does only apply to UK customers of course, I’m sorry there’s nothing I can do to help overseas customers in this way.
This unprecedented global challenge is making us innovate in all kinds of ways – this is just a tiny something that I hope helps someone.
I think we will come out of this – and we will come out of it eventually – with a greater appreciation of what’s important in life, and perhaps stressing a little less over the minor things.