A collection of items for donation to a food bank

Food Bank Donation Advent Calendar

We’re doing something extra every day after opening our Advent calendar window this year. We’re putting an item of food into a box for our local food bank, and then at Christmas we’ll take the whole box along to our local food bank to donate it.

This isn’t a smug post, I just thought I’d write about it because it might be an idea someone else would like to do, but hasn’t thought of. I’m only doing it because I saw the idea in my news feed a while back, and realised it was something I could do – I’m not very good at having ideas.

Watching what is happening in the world this year has made me determined to ‘do more’ to combat the darkness, but I really struggle with knowing how that might manifest itself on a day-to-day basis. I want to stand up for what I believe in, and reach out to people, but how do I actually do that (as an introvert)?

I’ve had a few ideas for things I can practically approach in the coming months, and this is one of them. It fits easily into our routine, and is a form of helping that the children can really understand – they can see the food, they know where the food bank in our local town is. It’s also a very neat counterweight to all the anticipation of getting, because we are anticipating giving.

I know just how desperate people have to be to contemplate approaching a food bank. We are lucky enough that things are more secure for us now, and the box with the growing pile of food in the corner will be a visible reminder of our good fortune and our ability – or maybe duty – to help others.

Search online for your local food bank, and check what items they are asking for.

Find your nearest Food Bank

Most visitors to my site are crocheters. If you’re crocheter and would like to crochet for charity but don’t know where to start, take a look at my Making for Giving page for some suggestions for what to make and where to send it.