I was suddenly struck by an idea – it was just waiting there, and I hit my head on it when I woke up. A cunning plan for a brooch holder to improve how I store the brooches I have in stock, so I can see at a glance what I’ve got.
I currently keep my stock of brooches in paper bags in a box, which keeps them clean, safe and tidy, but my new idea is going to be a definite improvement in visualising my stock levels.
Cue the cereal box (what would we do without them?), scissors, pencil, ruler and knife.
I cut the large sides out of the box for my main pieces. I cut four narrow strips in each piece, leaving the strips attached at one end.
Then I glued two further pieces of card, cut from the sides of the box, across the slots, leaving the strips to sit in front of them.
And that’s it! Don’t you love a really effective project you can make start to finish in a few minutes?
“What’s it for!?!” I hear you cry. Well, now I can slot brooches on to the strips, and secure the strips by tucking them under the end cross-piece.
So now I can see in a pleasingly bar-graphy sort of way, exactly how many brooches I have of what design, and which ones I need to replenish.
I find this excessively pleasing, but maybe that’s just me!
Perhaps if you have a collection of badges, this might be something you’d like to make for yourself.
See my range of hand-crocheted brooches.