Here’s a new design I’ve added to my range today: rainbow brooch cards.
I have no idea why it had never occurred to me to add rainbows to my range of brooch cards before, because they’re so cheerful and I think anyone would love to receive a card with one of these brooches.
They are very pleasing to make, too – not only do they turn my work table into a very bright and jolly place to be, but it’s very relaxing to crochet something requiring no pattern and no counting for once!
The yarn in these is about 50% organic, the remainder being bamboo and/or cotton, due to dire lack of organic cotton available in the UK. The cards themselves are 100% recycled as always, and come with a sturdy box-envelope for their onward journey to your recipient.
The cards are personalisable with the greeting of your choice on the front.
Where to buy
You can purchase these rainbow brooch cards now in my online store:
Alternatively, find them in the Little Conkers Etsy shop.
Since I’m talking about greetings cards, now also seems like a good time to mention the Just A Card campaign which I really hope you’ll take a look at.
The campaign aims to encourage people to support independent shops, galleries and designer/makers. Little, everyday purchases like greetings cards are so important to indie businesses like mine. The big investment purchases are great, but you can really help independent shops and designer/makers by making your small purchases with them too. Do support this excellent campaign by sharing with all your friends!
Just A Card on Twitter