Quick Knit Chunky Winter Set

I do occasionally swap my crochet hook for knitting needles, and this week I’ve made a winter set for my youngest child. Knitting projects need to be quick and easy for me, or they are a non-starter, plus I have to pick yarns to match the hooks I have, rather than the other way around,Read more ⟶

Jumper Update

Well, the sleeves are now set in! It almost looks like a jumper now, there’s just the collar to tackle, but I’m waiting for a quiet, childless moment when I don’t have anything else to do (!) to pick up the large number of stitches required around the neck opening without loosing count.

Jumper Update

Time for a quick update on progress with my jumper! I’m knitting a jumper from the DROPS Design Ginny pattern and I’m now on Round 77, which considering the last few weeks are the busiest of the year for me, counts as formidable progress.