A few more thoughts and pictures from our Lego Week. (See my Lego Week 1 post). It turned a bit incoherent towards the end, to be honest, due to all the other clubs and visits we had on. I wish we could have done it outside term time as originally planned. But hey ho, theRead more ⟶
Tag: worksheets
Lego Week 1
We’ve been doing ‘Lego Week’ this week so I thought I’d share some of my Lego home education ideas. Lego Week has been a long time in the planning, and perhaps not as spectacular as it ought to have been given that, but it’s going well so far. Mainly, designating a day or week forRead more ⟶
Taxonomy Day
Today was Taxonomy Day at Conker Corner! Okay you’re thinking that doesn’t sound quite as thrilling as Lego Week (that’s next week if I get all my ducks in a row), but it has turned out to be one of our more successful days, and I think I’ve got as much out of it as theRead more ⟶