I’m not allowed to start another crochet blanket until I finish the everlasting Granny Stripe Blanket (which is still progressing, but very slowly) but I do daydream about the wonderful blanket designs and colour combinations I’d like to create next.
Fortunately, this is exactly what my crochet colouring pages are perfect for! I can get all excited planning out future crochet blanket designs, patterns and colour schemes, and get a quick fix for any sudden creative urges without actually needing to start any new projects!
I’m currently rather obsessed with half square triangle ombre blanket designs, and I’m experimenting with what effect I can achieve with a cool colour palette starting with lighter colours in the centre, getting darker towards the outside of the blanket.
The best place to find inspiration for half-square triangle blankets (as opposed to equilateral triangles) I find are quilting patterns. I love this one by Thangles:

And look at this stunning quilt by Buttontree Lane!

I don’t actually know if I could really face sewing in all the ends on a crochet blanket like this though – at least there are no ends to sew in on a colouring page!
Using my colouring pages to hash out ideas has the definite benefit of allowing me to make any mistakes without the time and cost of making them in yarn. Below I’ve used the same colours on a different page representing smaller triangles to see the effect of scale.
Hashing out ideas on paper also means I can step away from an idea, and see if it still speaks to me weeks or months later, or whether some other design appeals more. It also makes it easier to discuss designs with potential blanket recipients!
Download my crochet colouring pages on Etsy.